Monday 4 April 2016

Question 1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Existing Products
This is my SlideShare showing how my product is alike existing products and why I made choices to use similar techniques and shots.
Existing Products from Georgina Fenton

I also evaluated the use of conventions in my video. I also looked at theories of narrative, audience, representation and post modern style. Extension of post modernism in my video: My video requires an active audience to watch the video and interpret the scenes. A passive audience is 'spoon-fed' the narrative however in the starting scene the girl smothers the other however then in the following scenes she is alive and at the end she sits up and removes the pillow. This links with the dis-trust of narratives because some people would feel a bit confused to why she isn't dead however the narrative relies on the audience to interpret the following scenes and put together the idea that it was in her head. It also shows the confusion over time and space because I used shots from different scenes in other scenes and time/space it makes the audience question, when are they seeing what's in her head and when is it real life?

The videos below look at some of the cinematography, editing and lyric links.

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