Thursday, 25 February 2016

2nd Filming Shoot

On the Sunday night I made sure my camera was on charge so that I had a full battery for filming the following day. I made sure each actress was briefed on what clothes and makeup they was to bring.

However I found that I couldn't find my SD card therefore after searching everywhere I decided I would have to go to PC World the next day and buy another one. Because of this I made sure I woke up earlier and picked up my actors earlier. We arrived at PC World just after 9 (when it opened) and I bought two SD cards (32GB each) so that in future if I lost one, I would have a back-up. It was also a good idea to get two 32 GB cards instead of 64GB in case the card became damaged so that I had another.

We was at my Grandma's for 9:30, while my actors were getting ready, I drove to the Co-operative to buy a orange. This was the main prop to the kitchen scene.
We started filming at about 10am and finish around 12:00 which was really good time and the whole filming process went smoothly after earlier hiccups.
I successfully got all the shots I wanted to get from the day.