Monday, 12 October 2015

Narrative Theory 2: Sven Carlson

Sven Carlson (1999) views narrative as a structure. He argues there is three clip types to music videos, performance, narrative and abstract/conceptual.
Performance can consist of three types, dance performance, song performance and instrumental performance. Videos can combine these all together depending on their strengths. For example in a lot of Beyonce's videos she lip-syncs to the song while dancing, combing dance and song performance.
Lana Del Rey, Born To Die.
Here she is performing her lyrics to the song therefore this
is an example of song performance.
Single Ladies, Beyonce
Dancing performance example
Ex-Girlfriend, No Doubt,
Instrumental performance example
Narrative is what is happening to develop the story of the video. Like a silent movie playing in the background of the music. It is not lip-synced to and generally recognised as an easy story to follow. Most of the time the story and lyrics will relate in some way however others may not.
Lana Del Rey, National Anthem. This shot is developing
the scene. As you can see she isn't 'performing' but
developing narrative.
Abstract/Conceptual is when it is neither narrative or performance, having artistic ambitions. Normally videos containing these clips have more conceptual intentions and do not necessarily have to make 'sense' but can but can be open to the audiences interpretation and imagination. It can be broken down into sections of abstract in which they may contain performance or narrative.The intention of a conceptual video can be to create a certain mood and atmosphere for the audience to engage with.
Tame Impala - Half Full Glass Of Wine below is an example of a music video which is purely conceptual.
FKA Twigs - Water Me is an example of a music video which contains performance but there isn't a narrative it is abstract. She is lip-syncing to the song however there is no story present. The video focuses on a close-up of her face, there is an edited 'tear' in her eye at one point but the main part of the video is her face and head movements.

Sven also created a 'Mythical' method in which he analysed music videos. Focused on 'modern music embodiment'. In which he believes there are three types of performance..
1. One type he believes the performer is no longer a performer but a commercial exhibitionist to sell products. The song isn't always the selling point but the fact they're on screen.
2. The second type is the idea that the performer in this music video is a televised bard. the artist is a modern version of a bard, (a story teller, entertainer) but the medium they use for their 'stage' is television. The stories they tell have visual images on screen-instead of relying on the listeners imagination and physical performance. Many could argue the internet is now used as their platform.
3. The last type of performer is the electronic shaman sometimes believed that their voice and rhythm are what creates the visuals and holds them together. They are seen to have alter-egos in which people can find something to believe in them. They consume their music as they believe in their ideology.

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