Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Cast List

I needed two female actors for my production. I picked my two best friends who're really reliable and would spend as much time as needed to film what I needed to film. They also get on really well therefore aren't 'shy' in front of each other.

1. Phoebe Hyam
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Build: Slim
 I chose Phoebe because she has dark long hair and pale skin. She was really enthusiastic about being in the video and I could work with her to lip-sync. As she is my friend it is advantageous because I feel comfortable in talking to them and discussing how I would like her to act. If I didn't know the actress very well it may result in the filming process being awkward or not fully getting the footage I want because it may be clear to see they're not comfortable with someone they don't know very well telling them what to do.

2. Nicole Moore
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Height: 5 ft 3
Build: Slim
One of my best friends who was ideal to act as the other girl. She doesn't wear makeup but this was the look I wanted this character to have, I didn't want her to be all dressed up and a face full of makeup.

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