Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Genre 1: Steve Neale

Barry Keith Grant (1995) believes that all genres have sub-genres, which is a genre within a genre. With this in mind he argues that they're divided up into more specific categories which allow audiences to identify within them specifically by their familiar and what becomes recognisable codes and conventions.
Here we can see a range of genres and what is counted as a 'sub-genre'
of that genre. 
However as opposition Steve Neale (1995) states 'Genres' are not 'systems' instead they are processes of systemisation'. This idea is that genres are dynamic and evolve over time to have different iconography such as location and props. The main contributors to genre are institution, text and audience. As throughout time these factors change media products must adapt to this. Below we can see how the film 'Cowboys Vs. Aliens' is a cross-over of the Western genre and the Sci-Fi genre. The lighting shows this. In the alien picture the lighting is blue, in the western picture we can see oranges and yellows representing the western sunset. In the mixed genre picture we can see how the both oranges and blues have been used to show a contrast of genres. We have the traditional 'look' of a cowboy on the poster (gun, cowboy hat, brown pants and a shirt) however we can see on his left arm a futuristic looking device which glows blue. Signifying the sci-fi element to the film.

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